What is Color
Personality Test?

The color personality test is a unique way to discover your true personality with colors. The test uses a quiz format that explores your personality type in a fun manner based on your inputs.

Each color carries different meanings such as funny, maturity, helpfulness, or rude attitude towards others. Knowing about your personality also benefits in boosting social interactions 

The test consists of questions related to diverse subjects that help to analyze your personality. The results of the personality test can help gain valuable insights about the goals, opportunities and emotions of the user for better understanding. 

You can also share the personality test results with your friends and family and ask them to take a test for an entertaining session.

Color personality test

How to take the test?

take a test

Take a Test

Visit the colorblindtest.net website with any browser and then navigate to the color personality test., Click on "take a test" and follow the directions to start the test.


Answer the Quiz Questions

Answer quiz questions with multiple-choice options during the test. After completing all the questions, get an insightful outcome to understand better.


Know about Color Personality

The result will tell you about your personality traits and strengths/weaknesses associated with different colors. You can share it with friends to enhance your experience.

About Color Personality

Colors are said to reflect your true personality. They help to study behavior and thoughts of the user. Color personality can be used to assess the opportunities, goals and other elements that improve your overall experience. Some notable color personalities are discussed as follows.

1. Orange


If you have taken the color personality test and landed on the color Orange, it specifies positive and friendly nature towards people similar to you. However, this does not mean that you let your resentment pass in silence.


People with orange personalities do not like to force themselves among large groups. They like interacting with fewer people and always value the good in others.


You are full of life and wish to spread happiness with others to improve their experience. You do not hesitate to form bonds and connections with people that interest you, contributing to more social interactions. Furthermore, you have empathy for others and forgive people for their wrongdoings.


Such lively personalities are more vulnerable to getting hurt as loving too much affects their relationships and lead to heartbreaks. The thought of such bonds haunts you regularly, and you struggle to avoid them.

2. Grey


People with such color personalities like authority and have a dominant nature. You like to be mysterious and are full of surprises to lure people to talk about you. However, you reveal very little about yourself to others ensuring a private lifestyle. 


You like to be alone with your thoughts and are hard to please. Your interests vary from time to time, forcing you among groups of people regularly. It does not imply that you start conversations with others.


Users with a such personalities like thrilling adventures, and enjoy life to the fullest. Others forming opinions about you does not affect your decisions, and life decisions are focused on making yourself happy, which yields better results.


You find trouble getting close or intimate with people as you are afraid to get hurt. Your bonds and connections with people change frequently, and the air of strangeness and mystery does not please people, making you sound rude sometimes.

3. Green


A green color personality highlights the quiet and peaceful nature of the user. Such people do not like stressing themselves with issues and have a chill attitude while dealing with life problems. You like to live a comfortable life with the highest of luxuries.


The calm and soothing nature of your personality appeals to most people, and they like interacting with you. On the contrary, you also prefer simpler ways to a healthy lifestyle and do not like to tackle challenges where some extra effort is required.


Your perception of life leads you to a comforting and tension-free lifestyle. The composed nature sparks a positive appeal toward others, making you more lovable and attractive. You do not like to hinder others' peace and avoid getting yourself in trouble.


Sometimes the comforting nature translates to laziness. Your knack for not taking the issues in life seriously can cause you to harm sometimes that might affect your experience.

4. Crimson


A bold and fierce personality who does not prefer unwanted complications with their interactions. You are very passionate about your work. The ambitious nature helps you push your limits and lead a rigid life leading to fewer complexities.


You do not wish to settle down with your achievements and always strive for more. You like meeting new people and love interacting with them to learn something new. Such people always crave attention and are full of adventurous likings to complement their nature.


You develop exceptional interaction skills that contribute to your improved experience. Furthermore, the strict lifestyle to work hard to achieve your goals also leads to better results. You do not resent the mistakes made in the past and look forward to a new beginning.


Sometimes your abnormal or excessively ambitious nature can get you in trouble. Unethical decision-making can overpower your morals to achieve your objectives.

5. Purple


Purple color reflects innovative and unique aspects of your personality that separate you from others. You like to express your emotions thoughtfully and value the responses of others. Such personalities are more inclined towards artistic fields and ventures.


You like to solve challenges creatively. Your thinking is influenced by philosophical thoughts that drive you to question critical ideas leading to a better and improved experience. You prefer exploring various fields of knowledge and utilizing them in your way.


A creative attitude helps you deal with challenges in a better way. Furthermore, you express your feelings towards others freely, which makes you honest. You do not shy away from problems and love to tackle them in a lively manner.


A creative attitude helps you deal with challenges in a better way. Furthermore, you express your feelings towards others freely, which makes you honest. You do not shy away from problems and love to tackle them in a lively manner.

6. Blue


Blue color personality points towards the loyal and rational nature of the user, which reflects trust. You love to abide by the rules and do not hesitate in making sacrifices for the betterment of others. Your affection towards friends and family makes you worthy of all the love you receive.


Discipline is the key to your lifestyle. You are honest and try to appease your loved ones. Helping others with their issues and doing favors is something you do not mind. You radiate a trusting personality that positively makes others like you.


Your honesty and discipline help you achieve your objectives. Social interactions do not bother you, and your personality helps others share their concerns, for which you always lend a helping hand. All such factors help you lead a rich and healthy lifestyle.


Your knack for discipline can be tiresome, and you can miss out on fun activities owing to your scheduled lifestyle. People can take advantage of your nature and ask for favors to do their work for them.

Does Color Describe Your Personality?

There has been mixed opinion regarding this issue. However, with evolved knowledge about colors, it has been evident that colors reflect specific attributes that can correlate to the user's personality. You can take the color personality test to gain insight into your nature. 

The preferences of different colors by the people hint at a relation between both elements. For instance, red is associated with power and rigid nature, while grey reflects a calm and soothing personality. Taking the personality test will help me get a better insight into this relationship. 

You can utilize the traits of your personality to lead an improved lifestyle. Furthermore, you also get an idea about your strengths and weakness that can be improved for a better experience. 

We cannot be sure of the relation of colors with personality traits. However, the distinction in preference of different users hints at a relation between them that can be tested by taking the quiz.


Know your Color Personality for a Better Life

Knowing about your color personality can help you to lead a better and enriched lifestyle. The color personality test can help discover the strengths and drawbacks of nature. It can be used to your advantage in a specific job or to stand distinct from others. 

Furthermore, you can gain better insights into the opportunities that suit your personality to maximize efficiency. 

The results of the color personality test can help know more about yourself and improve your social interactions with others based on your traits for better relationships and bonds, leading to an improved experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Your Color Personality Change Over Time? 

Yes, it has been observed that the color personality of a person can change over time owing to strong emotions that affect nature. You can take the color personality test to know the changes in your nature and use them for your benefit for more productive results.

How Accurate Are Color Personality Tests? 

The test does not pinpoint the exact personality of the user. They help explore a few sides of nature based on the inputs by the user in the test. The results also vary based on the choices linked with specific colors. 

How Can I Use My Color Personality To Improve My Relationships?

The results of the true colors test can help you explore more about your nature. While discovering your personality traits, you can work on social interaction skills to improve the relationship with friends and loved ones for a better experience.