Have you ever wondered what a newborn baby sees? Well,the answer is almost nothing. Babies can distinguish light and darkness – an ability they learn in the womb.

In this way, they distinguish shapes and lines, but everything around them is black and white and as if shrouded in fog.

Therefore, when your baby sees you for the first time, you are nothing more than a big gray spot. How fascinating, isn’t it?

Colors and clear vision come later. This is because the optic nerve is not fully developed and the brain needs time. The process is very interesting, but it’s hard to imagine in practice. Yet do you remember what you saw as a very young baby?

To give us an idea of what babies see, the eye surgeon Dr. Romesh Angunawela creates a series of images that show us what the child sees in its first year.

“The visual cortex of the brain occupies almost 1/3 of the entire brain,” says the surgeon. “It begins to learn how to perceive visual information from the first moment the baby opens his eyes.”

It takes babies three months to begin to distinguish colors. And the first distinguishing color is red. Although the world is becoming more colorful, there is some limitation in what colors a baby can distinguish.

Usually only bright colors are visible. Pastel colors do not stimulate the brain enough and the differences in the shades of one color do not differ. At this time, the baby begins to distinguish the faces around it. During this period the child begins to respond to your smiles.

At four months, babies begin to see more than 25 cm away. They begin to better judge distances, and their overall perception of the world improves. Over time and their relentless curiosity, children gradually learn and their whole brains develop.

A one-year-old’s vision is not perfect, but it is developed enough to help the child orient himself. However, the process continues after the first year.

Vision develops most rapidly between the 7th and 12th month. To help the process, you can surround your baby with toys in bright and contrasting colors. Wear white or black colors or bright stripes that will immediately catch the child’s eye.

Initially, it will not distinguish shapes, but it is very important to be surrounded by colors to adapt to the colors around it.